Series: The Lost Souls
#: 3
Author: Tiffany Truitt
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Date: 28 April 2014

Oh my. The last book left off with quite the twist! I had to start this book as soon as I could. It's always sad to finish a series, but it's nice to see a story come to a close.
The third and final instalment of The Lost Souls trilogy brings both heartache and hope.
There was no putting off and thinking throughout this story. The plot was always moving and there was always so much drama and action that you never really had time to stop. Tess was still questioning life, herself and her wants but this was more about strength. Finding what you're willing to live with and what ends you're willing to go to to make the world a place you want to live in.
With each book Tess has grown more and more. She is no longer the girl doing everything she's told to do. Instead she questions everything, trying to find the truth, not just someones versions of the truth, but the whole picture.
The final reveal of why the women can't reproduce in this books was something I was not expecting. I don't think any one could guess that one. There are so many surprises in this book and I didn't see any of them coming. I was quite taken aback a couple of times and that is something new to me.
I really liked the ending of this book. You know that it just can't be all roses and fairytales for the end of a series like this one. It's more bittersweet with just enough heartache and closure to be able to close the book and keep thinking on all you've read and the possibilities.
I will definitely be looking out for more books by Tiffany Truitt in the future.
I received a e-arc of this book from net galley in exchange for an honest review

(taken from

Besides traveling, Tiffany has always been an avid reader. The earliest books she remembers reading belong to The Little House on the Prairie Series. First book she read in one day? Little Woman (5th grade). First author she fell in love with? Jane Austen in middle school. Tiffany spent most of her high school and college career as a literary snob. She refused to read anything considered "low brow" or outside the "classics."
Tiffany began teaching middle school in 2006. Her students introduced her to the wide, wonderful world of Young Adult literature. Today, Tiffany embraces popular Young Adult literature and uses it in her classroom. She currently teaches the following novels: The Outsiders, Speak, Night, Dystopian Literature Circles: The Hunger Games, The Giver, The Uglies, and Matched
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