Series: Everneath
#: 1
Author: Brodi Ashton

Nikki longs to spend these precious months forgetting the Everneath and trying to reconnect with her boyfriend, Jack, the person most devastated by her disappearance-and the one person she loves more than anything. But there's just one problem: Cole, the smoldering immortal who enticed her to the Everneath in the first place, has followed Nikki home. Cole wants to take over the throne in the underworld and is convinced Nikki is the key to making it happen. And he'll do whatever it takes to bring her back, this time as his queen.
As Nikki's time on the Surface draws to a close and her relationships begin slipping from her grasp, she is forced to make the hardest decision of her life: find a way to cheat fate and remain on the Surface with Jack or return to the Everneath and become Cole's queen.
Such a pretty cover!
I'm telling myself that I can't read Everbound until I've written this review. That way my thoughts aren't messed up with future knowledge, but this is very hard to do because all I want to do is keep reading.
Lets see lets see, where to start?
In the beginning I was confused, I think I was meant to be a little confused so I'd keep reading and wondering what was meant by Return, who's face, 100 years how is that possible and such. It did keep me interested and wanting to know more just so I could figure out what was going on.
The story is set in the present but when Nikki starts thinking about the past we're shot back to the past and we read what happened as if it's happening. This was a little confusing for me. I had trouble switching times, sure I read the top of the chapter that said 'Now', but I was still wondering what happened next in the past scene I'd just read.
But it helps you learn more about the characters, about Nikki herself, Jack, Cole, her family and what made her leave it all behind then choose to come back.
The story is set in the present but when Nikki starts thinking about the past we're shot back to the past and we read what happened as if it's happening. This was a little confusing for me. I had trouble switching times, sure I read the top of the chapter that said 'Now', but I was still wondering what happened next in the past scene I'd just read.
But it helps you learn more about the characters, about Nikki herself, Jack, Cole, her family and what made her leave it all behind then choose to come back.
knitting! a teen sitting around learning to knit tea cosies, gloves, hats and whatnot, I thought this a funny thing for Nikki to take up to calm her shaking hands. but hey.
I didn't see the ending coming up until the last moments, and now I must read the next book (it's always the way with series) to see how Nikki will handle this new twist.
And then there is this, 'and another a man with a serious'
maybe it should be 'and another man'
or 'and another, a man with a serious'
The simplest of things throw me while I am reading.
4 out of 5 stars
still to come
(more pretty pretty covers!!!)
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